9 research outputs found

    Persepsi dan Harapan Pengguna terhadap Kualitas Layanan Data pada Smartphone di Jakarta

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    Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara dapat menjadi barometer perkembangan teknologi layanan data di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Yayasasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) masih banyak keluhan pengguna yang muncul pada kualitas layanan data. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dan harapan pengguna terhadap kualitas layanan data seluler smartphone di Jakarta. Dengan menggunakan Importance Performance Analysis, studi ini menemukan bahwa tingkat kesesuaian antara persepsi dan harapan pengguna terhadap kualitas layanan data smartphone di Jakarta baru mencapai tahap sedang dengan indeks kesesuaian kinerja-kepentingan 69%. Belum tingginya persepsi pengguna mempengaruhi harapan yang mereka berikan terhadap kinerja kualitas layanan data

    Pengaruh Infrastruktur Node-B terhadap Persepsi Kinerja Kualitas Layanan Data pada Smartphone di Jakarta

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    Jakarta sebagai kota terbesar di Indonesia dapat menjadi indikator perkembangan teknologi 3G di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Yayasasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) muncul banyak keluhan pengguna pada kualitas layanan data. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah infrastruktur Node-B terhadap persepsi pengguna kepada kinerja kualitas layanan data seluler smartphone di Jakarta. Menggunakan analisis korelasi, studi ini menemukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara jumlah infrastruktur Node-B terhadap persepsi pengguna kepada kinerja kualitas layanan data seluler pada smartphone di Jakarta. Operator perlu memperhatikan faktor lain selain menambah jumlah Node-B untuk meningkatkan kinerja kualitas layanan data seluler pada smartphone di Jakarta

    Performance Analysis By Organizational Culture And Motivation As Mediation, Influenced By Work Environment And Training

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    This research aims to confirm the effect of Work Environment and Training as exogenous variables by using Organizational Culture and Motivation as intervening variables on Performance. We use the quantitative method with three substructures. The population is 190 employees, with 130 employees taken using the Morgan table and 30 respondents assigned to test the validity and reliability. The results of this study reveal: work environment and training affect the variables of Organizational Culture, Motivation, and Performance. Training affects Organizational Culture and Motivation but not Performance variables. Organizational Culture Affects Performance, and Motivation does not affect Performance. Indirect effect: work environment variables affect Performance through organizational culture variables but do not affect Performance through Motivation. Training variables affect Performance through Organizational Culture but do not affect Performance through Motivation

    Cloud Computing Adoption for E-Commerce in Developing Countries: Contributing Factors and Its Implication for Indonesia

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    This study examines literature in cloud computing adoption for e-commerce in developing countries. The goal is to investigate contributing factors affecting cloud computing adoption of e-commerce in developing countries, in particular its implication for Indonesia. Ten themes have been identified: business size and type, customer service improvement, security, economic value, infrastructure, business process improvement, cloud computing framework, regulatory framework, user acceptance, and stakeholders’ support. Among these ten themes, the infrastructure, security, stakeholders’ support, regulatory framework, user acceptance and business size/types themes are particularly relevant to Indonesia. The paper also presents efforts and projects that are currently in place, at the governmental level, that facilitates cloud computing adoption and e-commerce in Indonesia

    Kondisi Migrasi Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) di Indonesia

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    Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan industri Internet di Indonesia tersebut, maka kebutuhan akan alamat Internet Protocol (IP) juga pasti meningkat. Operator Internet akan membutuhkan alamat IP untuk mengembangkan layanannya hingga ke seluruh pelosok negeri. Saat ini, jaringan Internet di Indonesia berikut perangkat-perangkat pendukungnya hingga di tingkat end user masih menggunakan Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Kenyataan yang dihadapi dunia sekarang adalah menipisnya persediaan alamat IPv4 yang dialokasikan. Hal ini dikarenakan jumlah alamat yang dapat didukung oleh IPv4 adalah 232 bits, sedangkan data terakhir didapatkan bahwa alokasi IPv4 telah habis dialokasikan pada akhir April 2011 di tingkat Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), organisasi yang mengelola sumberdaya protokol Internet dunia. Untuk mempercepat migrasi, stakeholder internet di Indonesia yaitu Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika dan Industri Penyelenggara Internet membentuk ID-IPv6TF. Dalam studi ini, ditemukan bahwa implementasi IPv6 di Indonesia termasuk dalam kategori baik dibandingkan dengan negara lain di dunia. Namun, terlihat bahwa perkembangan ini masih sporadis dengan kurangnya peran koordinator, serta sosialiasi ke masyarakat yang tidak ada

    The Investigation of E-Marketplace Adoption by Small Medium Enterprises Using Individual-Technology- Organization-Environment (ITOE) Framework: A Case Study in Yogyakarta Province Indonesia

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    Background: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia have been encouraged by the Indonesian government to adopt e-marketplace platforms. However, the rate of e-marketplace adoption is shown to be low. In an effort to address the underlying issues this paper reports on the application of a modified form of the Technology-Environment-Organization framework that includes attributes of individual SME owner-managers. The application of the Individual- Technology-Organization-Environment (ITOE) framework is considered necessary given the overwhelming number of micro-SMEs that have one owner-manager and employ less than ten employees. The study takes a case study approach by studying e-marketplace adoption of SMEs in the province of Yogyakarta, a major city of Indonesia. Method: Using a survey instrument, data were collected using randomized sampling from SMEs in Yogyakarta and analyzed using the partial least squares method. Results: The results confirm the validity of the ITOE framework to this study context. The results also indicate that the Individual construct positively affects the organization construct in predicting e-marketplace adoption. The suitability of the ITOE framework for further application to other locations in Indonesia when investigating e-marketplace adoption by SMEs is validated. Conclusion: This study validates use of the ITOE framework in investigating e- marketplace adoption by SMEs in Indonesia. The ITOE framework can be operationalized for e-marketplace adoption, particularly when the research context has relevant factors to the individual context namely, where a predominance of micro-SMEs exists. Future research is to conduct a full-scale study of e- marketplace adoption in Indonesia

    Framework of e-marketplace adoption by small medium enterprises in Indonesia: an investigation of the digital divide based on the Palapa Ring regions

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in Indonesia’s development. Out of all SMEs in Indonesia, 98% are micro-sized businesses which employ less than 10 people and rely greatly on their owners. Since 2018, SMEs in Indonesia have been encouraged by the government to adopt cloud-enabled e-marketplace platforms with the introduction of the two government initiatives called the ‘National Movement of 1000 Digital Startups’ and the ‘National Movement of SME Go Online\u27. Despite the support from the government, the rate of e-marketplace adoption is still shown to be low in areas that are characterised by the digital divide. The digital divide is most evident in rural populations that have low levels of education, low trust in technology, the absence of support from government and private sector services and poor-quality infrastructure. The Indonesian Government has responded to this by instituting the Palapa Ring project, which aims to improve national telecommunications infrastructure. This research seeks to define relevant measures to better leverage the investments made in the Palapa Ring project for SMEs in rural Indonesia

    Cloud Computing and E-commerce Adoption in Indonesia: Mind the Gaps

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    This study examines the e-commerce road map of Indonesia with its implementation and project plan to promote national development in Indonesia. The objective is to compare the eight aspects of the road map to academic literature that focuses on rural development strategy from the perspective of cloud computing and e-commerce adoption. The paper identifies areas of similarity and gaps in the road map to enable future research to best promote rural area development in Indonesia and reduce the digital divide